Monday, January 5, 2015


  1. My project is my own work. It is what I want to do and what I produce. This is my work and therefore it has my signature on it and represents me as a student. 
  2. Before taking this class, I always thought we would be simply taking pictures. But my view changed when we started editing photos in Adobe Photoshop and Camera Raw.
  3. You can work together to make a project easier since we have more people looking at different perspectives on the project.
  4. A disadvantage would be that as a group, there is more material to cover and we need to cover each others' backs to make sure everyone has completed their assigned material.
  5. I would have spent more time in Camera Raw editing and cropping the photos to make the photos seem older and taken in time when Eugene Smith was taking pictures. 
  6. I also wanted to include my failed attempts at imitating Eugene Smith's photos since they also represented me as a student. Although they may not have looked like Eugene Smith's photos, I had a fun time taking them.

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